Monday, March 21, 2011

Charlie and the Tweeting Factory

An image of Charlie Sheen before he became crazy...

It was suggested that I comment on Charlie Sheen's antics on Friday, but honestly, that guy does not really deserve much of my attention. Seriously, what the hell happened to him? I enjoyed some of the silly movies he made back in the day, and while I prefer that stars be left alone, he's definitely made a complete ass of himself whether or not he intended for the media to find out. His antics are embarrassing and a lot of the time, I don't even care to read or know the details of his misbehavior. The fact that he's getting paid between $5000-$25,000 a tweet is a little ridiculous, even more so than an athlete's salary. 

We might balk at the millions that Peyton Manning, A-Rod, or Lebron might be paid, but if you think about it for a bit, these guys' bodies are what brings food onto their tables and puts a roof over their heads. In each of their respective sports, their bodies take a beating in order for them to perform at their best. They also have to maintain their health or they run the risk of being traded or cut. Each time they are on the field or court, they run the risk of being injured, whether it be self-inflicted or by collision with another player. So when you put that into the perspective of an actor who is just sitting in front of a computer tweeting about his life, the millions just barely cover what the athlete needs to survive.

25K a tweet is nothing to sneeze at. How are we supposed to feel about that? Are we supposed to feel bad for his highly publicized retardedness? And how is it that the public allowed him to reach a million followers on Twitter within 25 hours? Why is allowing this to happen? This is a complete slap in the face for those of us who are working hard for a living. You have this idiot write a 140 character message to the world and make what some people barely make in a year. Thank you and go to hell for allowing this to happen.

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