Sunday, March 20, 2011

A 17,000 Square Foot Mansion

Finally, a photo of Elin without her damn sunglasses. 90% of the images I've seen of her are of her with her sunglasses.

For those of you who follow golf, I'm sure that you may have already come across the article that tells us about Elin Nordegren's new purchase. In general, I prefer that the tabloids and the general media leave her (and any other star for that matter) alone, because they are people, too. Would they come to your home and  watch your every move and then write an article about your daily habits? Not likely. And even if they did, why would anyone care to read it? But, I digress.

So, Elin buys a 17,000 square foot home, apparently one-upping Tiger on his mere (!) 10,000 square foot beachfront property. On one hand, we are prompted to think, "hey, it's her money, she can buy whatever she wants." Then, on the other side, I am prompted to wonder, "why the hell does she need that big of a house - not to mention - a 4700 square foot BASEMENT!" There are people who can't even buy a home right now - and it's not because they are poor, they make a decent salary - but the houses are too expensive, even  for a double income household. While this is an infuriating thought, I am reminded that I should be thankful for what I have because there are people who are in worse situations and conditions than I am. But I have to wonder, why do newswriters have to write about such things?

Is it done to make the public (including the writers themselves) feel better, maybe worse about their own situations? On some level, it illicits reactions, both good and bad; and it is these reactions that propel us to discuss amongst ourselves the justices and injustices of life. So here's a question for you: if you had a 17,000 square foot home, what would you do with it? It's a much healthier and more fun way of thinking about things because thinking negatively will only bring you negative karma. You don't want bad juju to come your way, do you?

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